Brittany was married to him after she and I were divorced the

Sue Ellen’s Trial

“Peter and Brittany somehow became involved again a buy canada goose jacket few years ago, Donna,” Catlin says. “And you and I both know the turbulent history Peter and

Brittany shared. Look, I’m not accusing him of anything. I just wanna know how and why he and my wife became involved with each other again, official canada goose outlet how long it had been going on, and when

was the last time he saw or spoke to her. That’s all. Donna, if I have canada goose outlet to, I’ll have my private investigator track canada goose outlet Peter down. I just thought it would be easier and faster coming to

you. But either way, I WILL find him.”

Phyllis opens the Canada Goose Parka door of the cottage and walks in. As she closes the door, a sudden, stabbing pain suddenly strikes her in the chest, followed by a

shortness of breath. For a moment, Phyllis is thrown off balance by the pain. She finally manages to get over to her purse, laying on a table beside the bed. She opens the purse

and takes out a pill bottle, which she opens. She takes out what appears to be a Nitroglycerin tablet and quickly puts canada goose outlet uk it under her tongue. After canada goose factory outlet several seconds, the pain begins uk canada goose outlet to

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“Goodbye, Catlin,” Donna says. She hangs up the phone, then lets out a deep sigh. She pauses for a moment.

“I don’t care what you say, Catlin, canadian goose jacket but I AM gonna call Peter,” she says to herself. “I know there’s no way my brother could be involved in Brittany’s death. But I am gonna find

out what’s going on.” Donna picks up her cell phone and canada goose outlet new york city scrolls through her contacts until Canada Goose sale she finds her brother, then dials his number. The phone rings several times, and as Donna

starts to hang up, a man’s voice answers.

While Brad is out of the office, his secretary, Brenda Purvis, walks into her boss’s office at Stone Oil early that afternoon. Going over to the

file cabinet, Brenda opens it, and begins looking through Brad’s files. She finds one labeled ‘Westar’ canada goose outlet black friday and removes it. Next, canada goose outlet in usa she finds a file folder labeled ‘Cartel’ and canada goose factory sale takes it out

also. Closing the drawer on the cabinet, Brenda hurries out of Brad’s office and back into her own, heading straight for her copier. Opening one of the files, Brenda quickly begins

making copies of all of the pages of the Westar file for John Ross, the file which contains Stone Oil’s prospective business deals with Westar and the Cartel. As she is making the copies,

Brenda is startled when Brad suddenly walks into the office. So startled is she, that when she turns around, canada goose outlet online uk she knocks over a cup of coffee on her desk.

After she’s gone, Brad walks over to his file cabinet in his office and canada goose outlet store uk opens it. Sifting through the files, he is unable canada buy canada goose jacket cheap goose outlet jackets to find the one he wants.

He looks through the files a second, then a third time, a confused look on his face. “What the hell? I know I put that file in here myself.” Brad goes to his desk and opens each

drawer, looking for the missing canada goose outlet online file, thinking he may have mistakenly put it in his desk instead. Unable to find canada goose outlet toronto factory it, he goes into the outer office and looks on Brenda’s desk. Still

unable to find the file, he pauses and thinks for a moment, then, intuitively, he opens first one, then another drawer to Brenda’s desk. Finally, opening the bottom drawer, Brad comes across not

one, but TWO files from his cabinet. A look of anger crosses his face.

Opening the Cartel file, he notices some pages missing. Brad is barely able to

control the anger he feels at the realization that his own secretary, a woman he had known for years and trusted, had betrayed him. Brad now realizes that Tripp was right. It had to

have been Brenda who tipped off Austin Wentworth that he was McKay’s secret partner in the deal to buy Wentworth’s new drill.

“Yes. Brittany was married to him after she and I were divorced the first time. Peter was the reason canada goose uk black friday Brittany and I left Bay City. She shot

him, and she was convicted of attempted murder. Later, her conviction was overturned on appeal. I thought Peter Love was a part of our past. Out of our lives for good.

But, it turns out that, after Brittany walked out on our marriage in 2011, it was to be with Peter Love. The two kept a low profile for a long time, and, Love’s sister didn’t even

know about their involvement. Brittany and Love were involved right up until she came to Dallas last year.”.


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