Perhaps they are; my point wasn that they are or not

I will never take my scope out in public ever again. I am ashamed of this town and how people talk to each other and drive, day and night, everywhere you go! I could care less if I saw stuff like this once and a while. But no. Perhaps they are; my point wasn that they are or not, just that there no way for some grunt like me to know, because once the Prime Minister decides to do a thing, he will, by the very nature of politics and Canadian habit, find and publish the information and make the statements that best support his agenda, whatever it is for whatever reasons he chose it.If for example, the reasons you site are in fact the only and true reasons then I would say I would be in favor of Canada taking a stand there. If however they are gross exagerations perpetrated to justify a fear of saying to president Bush, or if they are motivated by some arms dealer wish to sell more arms to the Canadian Government, then I would be against it. Those are just example possibilities borrowed from a supposed conspiracy theorist point of view.Me kanken sale, I don have a crystal ball to tell me what is true and isn but I have lived long enough to know that whatever I hear from a polititian should best be recieved as suspicious.That was the gist of my article.

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