You can explore this, or ask him what he is in the mood for

The first of these is in the first inch and a half of the toy. The opening is lined with small ticklers of lack of a better term. This helps with stimulating the tip of your penis and helps you become erect. The pump itself is somewhat shaped like a grenade. It does have a textured material on the pump and a hose is attached. You can feel the quality in this toy.

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Press the bottom button to power up the Roto Bator and cycle through all nine functions. Press the top button to instantly reverse rotation direction of the sleeve. Hold the power button down for three seconds to turn the device off. A fantastic pleaser for beginners! Powerful vibrating G Spot and clitoral pleaser. Curvy and angled tip targets your G Spot area. Clitoral stimulator with satisfying nubby teasers.

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