The majority of the lecturers received little training to

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Hypertext enabled users to browse and share text via web pages using hyperlinks. Berners Lee then went on to create a browser editor and soon realised this new form of communication could be shared by vast numbers of people. By May 1990, the CERN scientists called this new collaborative network the World Wide Web..

The majority of plant iodine originated from soil iodine rather than fertilizer iodine and varied depending on 129I species applied (iodate or iodide) and the vegetable plant type grown. For vegetable shoots treated with 129I (iodide) only 3% of the iodine of the three test plants originated from the 129I treatment. By contrast, for 129IO3 (iodate) applications 11, 22 and 58% of iodine in the shoots of celery, lettuce and chard were from the 129I additions respectively.

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