“S Global Platts energy analystTaylor Cavey said in an email

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dildos Get the biggest daily stories by emailSubscribeSee our privacy noticeMore newslettersIf you have had more than two, you could be feeling a little delicate now, and some may tell you there is only one way to feel better the hair of the dog.But is having another tipple really the best way to soothe a hangover?According to research carried out by Wren Kitchens, no. No, more alcohol will not help, so step away from the shot now.While more alcohol may make you temporarily feel better by topping up your alcohol levels, you’re only delaying the inevitable hangover and will probably end up feeling worse.12 of the best places to go for a kebab in LiverpoolSo, who’s been telling us the little fib for so long?Variations of the phrase go as far back as medieval times dildos, it was originally attached to the belief that you could cure rabies by drinking a ‘magic potion’ containing “hair from the dog that bit you.”Of course, that’s complete nonsense, but over time the saying shifted away from its literal meaning and was used to refer to the act of drinking more alcohol to cure a hangover. In 1546, English poet and playwright John Heywood used the phrase about a hangover cure:”I pray thee let me and my fellow have a hair of the dog that bit us last night dildos.


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